Friday, May 30, 2008

This is how it all started

I read this deck from NAR in late April of 2007. It absolutely made my head spin. I knew that I had read this for a reason and I haven't looked back since. The real estate industry has been standing on the sidelines while just about every other industry is being revolutionized by the internet and now Web 2.0...not anymore...$FILE/07KleinMarketingForum.pdf

1 comment:

Bidealm said...

Great info Andrea. You are right, this info will blow your mind, and for a start-up entrepreneur in the Real Estate industry, it is really inpirational. Web 2.0 is lacking in the industry. We'll be sure to fix that though with iEnfluence & Bidrealm.NET. Thanks a lot for posting that on your blog. It was very helpful and informative. Sharing info is what drives this business. Good luck on everything. iEnfluence is going to be great.

Lorenzo Dickerson
Bidealm.NET Inc.